Autumn's Opinions

Autor: Toni Constantin Georgescu
ISBN 978-606-700-897-5

5,99 € 5.99 EUR 4,89 €

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    Garanție de rambursare în 30 de zile
    Expediere: 7-21 zile lucrătoare

    Coșul pentru cumpărături va fi folosit de cititorii din România.
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    We are able to offer with joy to our readers worldwide this poetry book in free verse, with surprising, attractive, friendly and honest ways, written by the Romanian poet Toni Constantin Georgescu
    If the chosen themes are inevitably the usual ones, the style is new, and the figures of speech are real windows through which you can watch the inside of some ideas, real windows through which you look inside yourself. 
    The changes of direction, the atypical digressions, the vague suggestions and the joining of words that don't know one another, push you to continue reading. 
    Toni Constantin Georgescu, a teacher of mathematics, is also a poet with an indestructible spiritual youth. 
    Over the years, authentic pens have come to praise and recommend this author to his readers. Here is what some of them have written about his work: 
    "Toni Constantin Georgescu has an unmistakable voice in Romanian lyrics, being a first class poet. His poems rebalance us spiritually and give us seeds of thoughts, so they will follow us for a long time after reading them. (Vasile Poenaru); 
    Toni Constantin Georgescu's verses have an explosive force, which immediately seduces our soul." (Emi Pop, the Online Bookshop "Book, the best friend");
    "The Rhetoric of Toni Constantin Georgescu's poems creates images so full of expressivity, that in some places their joining overwhelms." (Ion Malancu, in "Paradox" magazine, Bucharest); 
    "The poet is a modern classic who permanently resettles the old motives in unexpected combinations, with a surprising logic in forming them, managing, with each verse, to jump to a new dimension of understanding. The nostalgia of the woman's perfume that every man craves for pierces in some places, seconded by the same depth of meditation, unseen by the contemporary poets." (Ladislau Daradici, in "Vatra Veche" magazine, Târgu Mureş); 
    "A kind of poetry that reflects the human condition and everything fragile within it: questions, worries and fears, joys and sadness, overwhelming ephemeral feelings. And if you read kilometers of poetry, where not only the verses, but also the names of the authors give the impression that they are interchangeable, the poetry of this author has a brand: the Toni Constantin Georgescu brand." (Sânziana Batişte, in "Agero Stuttgart" magazine, Germany). 
    We hope that the emotions and the thoughts raised by this book will inspire you to read this author's other volumes of poetry (Utopiile dimineţii–Morning's Utopias, În braţele întâmplării–In Happening's Arms, Aşteptând adevărul–Waiting for Truth).